I.S.P. Certificazioni


To obtain ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, 45001, 22000, 22300, 16636 certification, it is necessary to choose the certification body and ask for the certification application.
The certification application contains all the information necessary for the Certification Body to evaluate the feasibility and issue the quotation.
One of our officials will be able to provide telephone support to guide you in completing the application.
If the certification application is accepted, the Certification Body issues the offer quoting its services with the contract proposal.

If the potential customer signs the quotation and the contract, the Certification Body chooses the competent Auditor for the customer's industrial sector and plans the Phase 1 (Documental) verification.
The planning office will ask the company for the following documents:
the descriptive documentation of the system;
the certificate of Company register;
internal audit conducted;
management review conducted.
In Phase 1 the auditor will assess whether the implemented management system meets the requirements of the standard and whether the organization complies with the mandatory legal requirements.
If the organization will meet the Phase 1 objectives, the auditor will issue a Successful Report together with an audit plan for the Phase 2 audit.

Phase 2 has the objective of evaluating the effectiveness of the management system implemented, ie the planned controls.
If the outcome of the phase 2 assessment is positive, the auditor will issue a report recommending the certification of the applicant organization.
The decision-making body will review the auditor's conclusions and any corrective actions proposed by the organization following any non-conformities found. If the review is successful, the certificate will be issued.
Together with the certificate, a three-year program of the annual inspections necessary to maintain the certificate will be issued.
Every year the Certification Body will evaluate if the management system is kept operational.

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